Kathir Sudhir Automation India

Kathir Sudhir Automation India Pvt Ltd

Electronics Instruments Manufacturer & System Integrator for Automation Solutions

Vehicle Theft Alert system

Door Open/Close

Exploring the Door Open/Close Application of Linear Actuators

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, automation has become an integral part of various industries. One fascinating aspect of automation is the implementation of linear motion applications using electric actuators. These powerful devices provide precise and controlled movement, making them ideal for applications such as door open/close mechanisms. In this blog post, we will delve into

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SMS Alert

The Importance of Automated SMS Alert Systems in Your Day to Day Machine Life

Texting as a Tool to SMS Alert Friends & Family Around the Globe during the crisis With switching to a power saving and automated text alert system, power consumption would undeniably be reduced. KathirSudhir Automation India Pvt., Ltd., has built a company with only one purpose: to help people get customized solutions for their both

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